Academ FAQ

This FAQ will cover questions that frequently come up about the domain and Academ Consulting Services. Comments concerning this FAQ should be directed via email to

1. What is Academ Consulting Services?

2. When was it created?

3. What is

4. Why the name academ for all of this?

1. What is Academ Consulting Services?

Academ Consulting Services is really just a DBA for Stan Barber, when he is doing consulting work or any work that is not attributed to Stan Barber's primary employer (if any).

2. When was it created?

Academ Consulting Services came into existence in 1983 when Stan first started doing consulting work developing a TELEX sending and receiving program for IBM-PCs.

3. What is

The domain is the internet domain name for Academ Consulting Services. It consists of a number of computers used by Stan Barber to support his on-going private and consulting activities. There was also a machine called which used to serveas the primary server for this effort. It may yet live again. Time will tell.

4. Why the name academ for all of this?

Academ is the name of a character Stan and his friend, Keller Carney, created in 1978 as a side kick to another character, Owlman. Owlman & Academ were part of a radio serial the two friends did for a class project at Rice University. Stan played Owlman on the series and Keller played Academ. Keller was also responsible for getting Stan interested in small computers. When Keller was killed in an auto accident, Stan wanted him to be remembered and when the opportunity came to create his own computer consulting operation, Stan decided to name the effort after the character his friend played in the radio series. He also decided to use characters and other items from the show as names for the various computer systems on the network.